Friday, September 20, 2013

Tropical Washday

September 20,2013

When you sweat all the time, you are forced do wash your clothes once in a while. Today is wash day for me.
Washing your clothes in a plastic bucket isn’t the fondest of my chores, but seeing all the dark grey water does give you a sense of accomplishment. The problem with washing in the rainy season is you have no idea when it will rain next. It always looks like it can rain any minute. Today, I am lucky. Half my clothes dried before the cloud burst.

Well, it stopped raining. Time to hang my clothes up on the line again.
Peace Corps Volunteer using latest Liberian washing technology, a washboard.
She has no running water.
My wash on line.
Woman hanging wash on other line is housekeeper for a Liberian graduate student.

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