Friday, September 20, 2013

Guinea Mask Man

September 20, 2013
The word is out; people with money are back on campus. Those references are about me and my ilk.
Sitting on my porch in the evening seems to be an open invitation to all passersby to stop, chat, and finally get around to telling me their sad lack-of-money tale.

Yesterday evening a man stopped by who told a great story about how the people who lived in my house before (Peace Corps like me) bought a lot of genuine and antique masks from him. He was sad to learn I was not that person. He then went on the tell me all about the masks he had from as far away as Mali. He was from Guinea.

This morning I heard sounds on my porch. Soon his face appeared in my window telling me he had brought his masks. Sure enough there they were spread out for me to examine. After haggling over price, I bought one. Probably paid too much, but at least I know no bad spirits will come into my home.
Guinea Mask Salesman with his wares
Yes Mary, another thing for our wall to scare the grandchildren

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