Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Second Day of Classes

 My Second Day of Classes
My second day of classes is the first day for Genetics at 7:00 am and Immunology at 9:00 am. Three students show up for each class, one of whom attends both courses. Since my classes are for Juniors and Senior, I am still not worried because they are used to skipping the first week of classes.
 I repeat the same litany as the day before, but the students are shown our family photo. This greatly increases their interest in me and worries me how I am going to teach genetic family trees. I ask the student in the earlier Genetics class to give my opening lecture on Rules and grading to the later Immunology class from her notes. I sit down and she does a perfect job with neat handwriting on the blackboard. I think she is a winner.
Everything is going smoothly until new students for an Anatomy class start to wonder into my Genetics classroom, soon followed by their instructor. Seems like our schedules overlap. They search for empty classroom. First possession is important, even in Liberia, and we are Biology Department brothers.
I take possession of my Immunology classroom early eager to meet the two dozen students assembling outside the room. When in walks a very nattily dressed man in a business suit who claims his Financial Management class is also scheduled for the same room. He says he will get it resolved. I stay on to teach. I meet him again on the way to lunch and he found another room for my class. Presto, problem solved.
As to my office and office hours, the Dean of Natural Science is somewhat in a pickle. No office is available and he really doesn’t want to pair me up with another Biology instructor. No problem I arrange to have a seat in the office with the other two Peace Corps who teach math, somewhat to the chagrin to original occupant who has created a little nest for himself.
These minor inconveniences really are not serious issues, but they do tend for you to give you some feel when people say “TIA”, this is Africa. 

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