Friday, January 31, 2014

Suakoko Market Condom Distribution

January 41, 2014

A student of mine suggested we distribute condoms in the nearby town of Suakoko on its Friday Market Day. The market is a wild bazaar of sellers, buyers, thieves, drunks and prostitutes. Just the place to distribute 1,000 condoms in 30 minutes.
We started with the prostitutes who took hundreds of condoms
Then working our way to the market stalls.

While having a beer at a market tavern, a group of men began discussing HIV and AIDS. The conversation began with their stating that America has a cure for AIDS, but is withholding it to kill off Africans. I asked if that was true, then why were we distributing free condoms. The discussion became more serious as confusion what was the difference between HIV and AIDS, and the best ways to prevent getting infected. When the topic switched to AIDS being a demonic disease, it was time to get the hell out of that place. 

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