Sunday, April 20, 2014

A Banking Tale


Banking in Liberia is an adventure in long waits and discourtesies. I have waited as long as 4 hours in line, and never less than one hour to withdraw money. Depositors have a special express window. It is often you find your withdrawal line moving backwards, as people in front of you are holding places for others who chose not to stand in line. In the bank’s defense, it does have a DVD which shows movies while you wait (I can never see “Hitman” enough times).

Well, my Peace Corps friend who is now the sponsor of the Peace Corps grant for the mentoring program goes to the bank on Wednesday to withdraw the grant money for my use. The bank manager grills him as to why he wants to withdraw such a large sum, $2,000 USD. The manager says he does not have that much money and to come back the next day. He may have some money at that time.
The next morning we both go to the bank. Since it is dangerous to carry any cash here and since I have an account at the same bank, I suggest we do an internal bank transfer. I then can withdraw some funds to pay people I owe money and he can be off the hook.

Not so easy for him as the bank manager calls him into his office and again grills him on what, why, and to whom he is transferring the money. He points to me and comes steaming out of the manager’s office, mad as hell. He says the manager wants to talk to me. My mind immediately fills with disparaging words like, “It is none of his God Damn business what I do with the money” as I slam the glass door entering his glass-walled office.

The manager extends his hand Liberian Style and warmly greets me, as he offers me a seat. He expounds on the great time he had at the bachelor party he attended at “Dr. Nick’s”. He really likes the place, a smart investment, and he plans to come back. We are instantly “Buds”. My Peace Corps friend stands in the lobby in disbelief as he watches the office proceedings. It is truly amazing what a few beers and loud Liberian music can do.

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